Residents of Hackney will be taking part in a national day of action this weekend, to "Make noise for Proportional Representation (PR)".

Locals will be gathering at a Make Votes Matter stall outside Stoke Newington Growing Communities Farmers Market at St Paul's West Hackney Church calling for a system where elected bodies better reflect votes cast.

People are invited to bring their maracas, drums, pots and pans to make noise for PR and to sign the campaign's petition for Less First Past the Post, not more. Those attending the stall will join hundreds of people across the UK campaigning for electoral reform.

According to Make Votes Matter, the current voting system denies millions of people a voice in Parliament and forces many to vote tactically.

Hackney Gazette: Hackney Make Votes Matter supporters at a campaign stall before the Covid pandemic.Hackney Make Votes Matter supporters at a campaign stall before the Covid pandemic. (Image: Hackney Make Votes Matter)

Laura Salisbury, who is taking part in the action, said: “It’s time the UK had a modern democratic and truly representative voting system which represents all our citizens.”

The day of action takes place outside the Growing Communities Farmers Market in Stoke Newington between 11am and 2pm on July 31.