Dogs are known to be curious animals who love exploring hidden locations and unusual smells.

One horrible habit dog owners will be all too familiar with is that of their pooch rolling in fox poo when out and about.

The smell of this can leave many of us feeling queasy and struggling to get our furry friend in the bathtub for a much-needed wash.

Why do dogs roll in fox poo?

Hackney Gazette: It is believed that dogs roll in fox poo to mask their scentIt is believed that dogs roll in fox poo to mask their scent (Image: Getty)

According to the Kennel Club website, dogs roll in fox poo to mask their own scent and protect themselves from being detected by other animals who may want to eat them.

It is also believed that dogs roll on fox faeces to tell other dogs passing through that they have been there by leaving their scent behind.

This may also be linked to them marking their territory.

How do I stop my dog from rolling in fox poo?

Beca Pets states that there are numerous ways to stop dogs from rolling in fox poo, including the use of a lead when passing through places likely to have a lot of animal faeces.

The site states that "instinct will often override obedience even in dogs with very good recall, so keeping your dog on the lead is the simplest way of avoiding such an issue from arising."

Hackney Gazette: Keeping your dog on the lead can help prevent them from rolling on fox pooKeeping your dog on the lead can help prevent them from rolling on fox poo (Image: Getty)

Recommended Reading:

How do I keep foxes out of my garden without harming them? 

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Why do dogs eat fox poo?

The website says that much of the reason for dogs eating fox poo is likely because they enjoy the taste (as disgusting as that sounds).

Coprophagia, from the Ancient Greek words copros, meaning faeces, and phagein, meaning to eat is common in animals and is thought to be a way of sourcing certain digestive enzymes lacking in processed dog food.

It adds: "Eating poo can actually be quite harmful for dogs. If you are therefore wanting to reduce the chance of your dog getting stuck into fox poo, try and make sure they are on highly nutritious dog food."