With the General Election less than two weeks away, voters in Hackney South and Shoreditch will soon have to make up their minds about where to place their cross on the ballot paper.

The latest YouGov MRP poll points to a Labour victory for incumbent Meg Hillier.

But there are also six other candidates running in Hackney South, eager for your votes. 

To help you make your decision, we have put together a guide explaining who the candidates are and what they stand for.

Anil Bhatti – Reform UK

Hackney Gazette approached Reform UK to be included, but did not receive a response.

Anil’s biography on Reform UK’s website reads: “Anil has lived and worked in London for almost his entire adult life. By qualification he is a barrister.

“Anil has previously served as the President of the Student Union of the Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn, President of the Subcontinent of India Student Union in the United Kingdom and the President of the Inns of Court Asian Student Union.

“Anil supports local charities including the Charing Cross Food Bank. He is a passionate patron for international charities focusing on developing Africa’s water infrastructure.

“Anil is a seasoned political campaigner having contested elections at local and national level. These include Westminster City Council and the London Assembly. In the 2015 general election he stood in Harrow West, in 2017 in the Cities of London and Westminster and in 2019 Holborn and Saint Pancras. He also contested the UK’s final European Parliamentary elections in 2019 for the East Midlands.

“Anil is standing as a candidate for Reform UK in this general election because he believes the Conservative/Labour duopoly is now redundant and a political realignment long overdue. The United Kingdom needs reform more than ever.

“Anil understands the needs and problems of Hackney South and Shoreditch. Decades of Labour domination have not served the area well at all. It is time for a change.

“If elected Anil will fight on behalf of his constituents for the issues that matter the most: housing, employment, education, the NHS and law and order.”

Laura-Louise Fairley – Green Party

I work as the climate and sustainability lead for an international children’s charity and have worked for international humanitarian charities for the past fourteen years. 

It is a joy and privilege to stand to represent my home constituency of Hackney South and Shoreditch – a culturally rich community that I love dearly. But so many of us have suffered at the hands of a government that has ignored its people. Beloved community members have been forced out of their neighbourhoods due to the housing crisis. Teachers are on the picket line, fighting for the most basic necessities for the children in their care. And doctors, nurses, and all hospital staff are saving lives in unfair and unsafe working conditions.

We deserve real change – not only in leadership – but in societal values, hopes, and opportunities. The Green Party – and I as your candidate for Hackney South and Shoreditch – promise to bring compassion and integrity when representing you in Parliament, should you place your trust in us.

We must not allow those in power to ignore the suffering of so many across our borough, city, and around the world. We cannot accept a government that prioritises power and privilege over people. With its dismissal of institutional racism, war crimes, biting poverty, and ecocide, our government truly has a broken moral compass.

I stand to listen and speak out for the people of Hackney South and Shoreditch and to champion a new system of hope, equality, peace, and prosperity, holding the next government firmly to account.

Meg Hillier – Labour and Co-operative Party

Meg Hillier – Labour and Co-operative Party Meg Hillier – Labour and Co-operative Party (Image: Parliament)

In the 19 years that I’ve served as MP in Hackney South and Shoreditch I’ve seen schools and housing improve under a Labour government and then radically deteriorate over the 14 years of Tory austerity.

Rents and mortgages have leapt, thanks to Liz Truss causing rampant inflation. Too many people are relying on foodbanks and community kitchens. Half of children in Hackney live in poverty after housing costs are taken into account.

We need a government that will focus on tackling poverty and deliver Hackney its fair share of the 1.5 million new homes that Labour will build – including the biggest increase in social housing for a generation.

NHS waiting lists are at a record high, so Labour will cut NHS waiting times by providing 2 million more appointments. and create more dental appointments.

To support children we’ll hire 6,500 more teachers, roll out breakfast clubs in every school, and provide mental health support so that every child can have the best start in life.

I chaired Parliament’s public spending watchdog for nine years, and called out the Conservative Government’s dismal failure on tackling climate change. It’s been all cheap headlines without proper plans. Labour will deliver – there is no planet B - starting by reversing the ban on onshore wind farms and setting up Great British Energy, for green power generation that will cut energy bills.

After five years of chaos with the Conservatives, we need change. A Labour government, Mayor and a Council working together to deliver for Hackney people.

Mohammed Shahed Hussain – Workers Party of Britain

I have been living and working in and around London for many years, which has made me acutely aware of the issues in the area. My experiences have shaped me and given me a deep understanding of the community’s needs.

In my professional life, I run an accounting firm. This experience has equipped me with financial expertise, which I believe is crucial in making informed decisions that affect our community. But my commitment to service extends beyond my professional life. I have a long history of giving back to the community, which is something I hold dear.

For over a decade, I have volunteered with the Citizens Advice Bureau, offering guidance and assistance to those facing tough times. It’s a role I’ve found both challenging and rewarding, and it’s given me a unique perspective on the struggles many people face.

Seven years ago, I started the Ethnic Integration Society, a self-funded charity aimed at promoting diversity, inclusivity, and cultural harmony within the community. It’s been a labour of love, and I’m proud of the impact we’ve been able to make.

I am a strong advocate for peace and progress. I oppose war and believe in investing in education, crime prevention, and creating job opportunities. These are the pillars I believe will build a stronger, safer, and more prosperous community.

I am committed to making a positive impact on Hackney South and Shoreditch. I believe in this community, and I’m ready to work hard to ensure it thrives. I’m not just running for office; I’m running to make a difference.

Joanna Kate Reeves – Conservative and Unionist Party

Hackney Gazette approached Hackney Conservatives to be included, but did not receive a response.

In a campaign video posted to Instagram, Joanna Reeves said: "My name is Joanna Reeves and I’m a parliamentary candidate for Hackney South and Shoreditch. My grandfather, his siblings and their parents lived in one room together… in London Fields in the 1920s. This area is in my DNA, and I feel like I’m coming home. Creativity and technology have had an incredible economic impact on the area and its people, my vision is that that continues. Here is a hot bed of entrepreneurship and creativity – I find that exciting. Great examples of people fulfilling their potential and being unlimited, so important for me as a neurodiversity campaigner.

"For democracy to work, there has to be choice, and that’s why I’m standing. I thank you in advance for your kindness, and for giving me the opportunity to take part in the democratic process. I feel blessed and grateful that I’m standing in such a forward-thinking part of London."

Theodore Roos – Liberal Democrats

Theodore Roos – Liberal Democrats Theodore Roos – Liberal Democrats (Image: Theodore Roos)

I’m Theo, and I’m standing for a liberal and progressive future for Hackney and London.
Born and bred in London, I am still constantly amazed by the thriving diversity in this city.
We have been let down by past governments who have created a political and economic system that overly benefits the privileged, and continues to reward life outcomes based on class, race and gender.

For 15 years, I’ve been a consultant to businesses and individuals, helping them adapt to the future of work, so I understand how fast society is changing.

As a Liberal Democrat, I stand for a fair deal for all. A fair opportunity to participate in society, and be rewarded for talent and hard work. A fair approach to growing our economy, in a sustainable way, and with closer international co-operation (especially with Europe). A fair assessment of those fleeing persecution and abuse in their home country. A fair way to make every person’s voice heard, by introducing a proportional voting system, and capping ‘big money’ donations to political parties.

Vote Liberal Democrat on July 4!

Carol Susan Small – Workers Revolutionary Party

Carol Susan Small – Workers Revolutionary PartyCarol Susan Small – Workers Revolutionary Party (Image: Carol Susan Small)

I live in Hoxton and I am concerned about the poor living conditions of many of the voters in this area. I am a Zumba fitness instructor with classes local to me. I also help run two foodbanks locally which are very busy. Such poverty makes me very angry that families can no longer afford to feed their children properly.

I am also very concerned at Israel’s war on Gaza and its mass murder of Palestinian children. This war must stop immediately and end Israel’s brutal occupation. The next government must stop arming Israel and recognise the Palestinian state!

I would immediately build council houses and end the privateers so that there would be no more Grenfells – tenants before profit!

There must be a massive increase in funding for the NHS, re-open A&Es and maternity departments and increase pay for doctors, nurses and all hospital staff. All NHS privatisation must stop.

There must be a return to free state education, end all student fees and return academies and free schools back to council control.

End all immigration controls and restrictions, allow desperate refugees to enter the UK with the opportunity of a decent and war-free life!

To do all this we must nationalise the banks and major industries and use the wealth for people’s needs and drive out greedy bankers and bosses.

We must end this bankrupt capitalist system and go forward to a workers' government and socialism!

  • Any candidates who would like their profile or picture added to this roundup should contact robert.collins@newsquest.co.uk