There are so many incredible artists performing this year at Uber One presents All Points East that it’s almost impossible to narrow down a list.

Fortunately, the sheer variety of musical talent on display will cater to everyone’s taste – whether you’re a lover of R&B, hip-hop, American rock or indie pop. Take a look at some of the most prominent acts from each day of the festival, and what makes their performances so incredible.

Kaytranada - Friday 16th August

Born in Haiti and raised in Montreal, Kaytranada has experienced a meteoric rise over the past few years. First gaining recognition for his exceptional remixes on Soundcloud, Kaytranada took his irresistible production and unmatched DJ skills across the globe whilst amassing millions of hits online.

Kaytranada will be headlining the first day of All Points East, infusing the crowd with his own powerful, creative beats that transcend genre. Drawing influence from every corner of the musical map including RnB, Afro-House and French electronic music – this diverse range can be felt in his incredibly unique sound.

(Image: Getty Images)

Loyle Carner - Saturday 17th August 

As one of the most lyrically gifted musicians in the UK, Loyle Carner epitomises the talent on display at this year’s All Points East. Introspective insights into his personal experiences, as well as soulful and nostalgic tunes characterise Loyle Carner’s music – whilst taking major influence from American hip-hop greats like Nas and Mos Def.

This eclectic range of musical influences can be heard in his latest album Hugo, described as “hip-hop with an open heart” by The Guardian. Festival goers can expect an energising, emotional performance filled with candour – making Loyle Carner one of the most anticipated acts performing at All Points East.

Mitski - Sunday 18th August

Are there any alternative, indie pop artists as beloved as Mitski right now? Amongst the current wave of indie artists channelling their struggles and successes into their songwriting, Mitski stands out.

Weaving vulnerability with poetry in such a captivating way, her lyrics carry the haunting beauty of past anxieties and heartbreaks. Mitski has become an icon to young women worldwide - thanks to her music that, whilst deeply personal and reflective of her own experiences, connects deeply with others and has a universal appeal.

LCD Soundsystem Friday 23rd August

Two decades of incredible music and global touring can’t slow down LCD Soundsystem, headliners of the festival’s third day. James Murphy, LCD’s lead singer and songwriter, envisioned the band as a throwback to the golden age of New York City music – the late 70s and early 80s when disco, punk, electro, funk, art pop and early hip-hop were coming into their own.

 Harkening back to such a special time in music history has brought the American rock band legions of fans and major success throughout the decades. Those attending All Points East this year are in for a real treat as LCD Soundsystem take them back to the heights of New York’s music scene.

Justice - Saturday 24th August

Gaspard Augé and Xavier de Rosnay, the creative duo behind French electronic band Justice, will be leading this year’s Field Day event. Every bit as influential as Daft Punk and The Chemical Brothers on the EDM landscape, Justice still cannot be constrained by the trappings of genre.

High-voltage tunes, creative sampling and irresistible beats mark the band’s musical ventures – causing many to liken them to classic or prog rock rather than contemporary electronic artists. Festivalgoers are in for an unforgettable performance from one of the world’s finest groups.

(Image: Getty Images)

The Postal Service - Sunday 25th August

Perhaps one of the most unique bands to come out of America in recent years, The Postal Service acquired their name from the digital audio tapes they would send in the mail. Releasing their debut album Give Up, the band achieved radical commercial success.

The Postal Service will be headlining the final show of the incredible All Points East 2024 event, and their astounding meld of indie pop and electronica is the perfect send off. Attendees will have the chance to see one of the very first synth-driven indie pop groups to emerge on the musical landscape.

To find out more about this year’s acts or to book your tickets, visit